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5 Easy Tips To Follow For New Drivers | A1 Driving School

As a beginner in driving, you want to make sure you are prioritizing your safety along with the safety of other people.

Getting a license is an easy thing to do, but driving safely on the road and following the law is something that not many people can do properly.

In order to help you out, we are here today and we are going to list down some things that might be useful for you. A1 Driving, the best driving school prices Calgary, Canada, will be listing down some easy to follow tips that new drivers can follow so they can become better drivers while promoting safety at the same time.

5 Easy To Follow Tips For New Drivers

  1. Drive Slow

The first thing that you want to do when you are driving on the road is to make sure that you are driving slow. The right amount of speed should be the limit of that certain road, so make sure you are following them properly. Also, try to avoid push that gas pedal on the max, that is not a good thing to do because you are still a new driver, you might have a hard time controlling your car once the speeds reach very high.

  • Keep A Safe Distance

One rookie mistake that you want to avoid is driving too close to another vehicle. This is something you want to avoid. Instead, you want to keep a safe distance. We recommend everyone to do this in case there is an emergency. Driving at a safe distance will help you react faster when something unfortunate happens in front of you.

  • Always Check The Mirrors

The third thing that we want to list down here is the fact that you need to check the mirrors all the time. From the rear view mirrors to the side mirrors, you want to to keep them clean all the time so you can see properly when you are driving on the road along with other people. This is a very important thing to do.

  • Wear Your Seatbelt

The fourth thing that you want to do is wear your seatbelt. This is a must and everyone in the front of the vehicle should be wearing it. If your backseats have them too, you should tell your passengers to wear them. They are a life saver, so wearing them all the time when you are driving is a must. Also, if you don’t wear them you can get a ticket.

  • Do Not Use Your Smartphone

The last thing that you want to do when you are driving is keep that smartphone away. This is an important thing to do in such times. Remember, driving while texting or calling is never a good idea. They cause a lot of accidents on a yearly basis and they cause a lot of deaths. Please do not do this, it is not right and you are also breaking the law.

best driving school Calgary NE

3 Things Each Driver Can Do To Increase Road Safety | Driving Tips For Beginners

On a yearly basis, hundreds of thousands of vehicles are involved in accidents, which can sometimes result in horrifying injuries or in worst-case scenarios, death. As drivers, it should be our priority to look into safety and do everything right when we are driving.

Driving on the road along with other people is something that is very hard to do. You need to be completely aware on what’s happening around you and you need to be alert all the time.

This is why in this blog, A1 Driving is going to list down some things that each driver can do in order to increase road safety.

Please do note that these are just basics and they are intended to help out beginners that are trying to get their professional driving license.

Best Driving School Calgary

3 Things Each Driver Can Do To Increase Road Safety

  1. Use Indicators

The first thing that you want to do is make sure that you are using indicators when on the road. This is an important thing to do, considering that other vehicles are going to be behind you when you turn, and without any signal, you might get involved in a road accident, which is never good. Make sure you turn on that signal light around 100 to 200 meters before you make that turn and make sure you are not speeding.

  • Keep A Safe Distance

The second thing that you want to do when you are driving on the road is make sure that you are keeping a safe distance when you are driving. This is an important thing to do, considering that you need to hit the breaks in case something happen. Driving exactly from behind will not give you enough time to react, which can end up in chaos.

  • Drive Slow

The third thing that you want to do is make sure that you are driving really, really, really slow when you are near schools, hospitals, and in areas where people are present. You do not want to drive fast, instead, keep within the safe limit. Rushing will not do anything and it will just put your life and the lives of other people in jeopardy.

Why A1 Driving?

A1 Driving is one of the best driving school in Calgary, Canada, that can help you out in getting your license and in mastering your driving skills. To know more about our services and how we can help you out, call us or send us an email so we can contact you right away!

advance road test Calgary

3 Things You Can Do To Calm Yourself Down Before Your Driving Test

Driving tests are one of the most terrifying things that you can go through, especially if you have anxiety.

We understand that you’re scared and to be honest, it’s completely normal. But instead of getting scared and just scared, you want to do some things that would help you out during the process so you can nail your driving test.

This is why in this blog, A1 Driving School, a top-rated advance road test Calgary, Canada, will be listing down some things that you can do in order to calm yourself down before you take your driving test.

advance road test Calgary

3 Things You Can Do To Calm Yourself Down Before Your Driving Test

  1. Take Deep Breaths

The first thing that you want to do is make sure that you are not getting shortness of breath, which is why we recommend you to take deep breaths. Taking deep breaths will help you out a lot in the process of nailing your test. Taking your test while you’re anxious is not good, you’ll end up messing things up and might fail it. So make sure that you’re really fine when you’re taking the exam so you could get that driver’s test.

  • Get Some Good Sleep

Before the test day, make sure you sleep on time and have at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. This is an important thing to do because you do not want to look tired when you show up for your driving exam. Make sure you’re dressed well too! This might give you a confidence boost. Try to wear your favorite shirt.

  • Test Yourself

The last thing that you want to do is test yourself. This is an important thing to do because you want to make sure that you know everything about the test. Look at the basic rules of the road and make sure you know what to do in case something special is asked by the person that is carrying out the test for you.

Why A1 Driving?

A1 Driving is one of the best places in Calgary, Canada, to learn the basics of advance road test Calgary. Not only that, we can help you pass your driver’s test with ease! To know more about our services and how we can help you out, call us on the number below or send us an email so we can contact you right away!

Driving Practice Test Calgary

5 Things To Keep In Mind As A Beginner | Driving Tips

If you are a learner, you want to make sure you are doing everything right. From basics to the most important things, you want to develop good habits so you can keep them with you throughout your life and pass them on to other people.

We know it sounds hard, but in reality, it’s not.

Developing good habits are one of the easiest things to do in life, it’s keeping them and following them is the hard part.

This is why in this blog, A1 Driving, the best driving school with best driving school prices Calgary, Canada, will be listing down some things that you need to keep in mind as a beginner so you can become a professional after some time and constant practicing.

Driving Practice Test Calgary

5 Things To Keep In Mind As A Beginner

  1. Drive Slow

The first thing that you want to do is drive slow. Driving slow is important if you are still a beginner because you want to make sure you are capable of controlling the vehicle in case something goes south.  Driving slow will also allow you to look at your surroundings at a better rate and it will help you become a better overall driver.

  • Keep The Side Mirrors And Rear Mirror Clean

The second thing that you want to do is make sure that your side mirrors and the rear view mirror is clean all the time. This is important because you want to make sure you can see everything that is behind you when you are driving. Remember, looking before you turn is very important. So keep in mind that you need to clean them all the time.

  • Use Signals

You have signals in your vehicle and when you are about to turn, you want to make sure you are using them. When turning left or right, you want to use the signals that you have on your vehicle. This allows the people that are behind you to know that you are about to make a turn. This gives them the time to slow down their vehicle.

  • Keep A Safe Distance

The fourth thing that you want to do is make sure you are keeping a safe distance from the cars that are around you. One thing that you should keep in mind when you are driving is you should never drive cars. Always keep a safe distance. Try to stay around 5 meters or more away. The amount depends on the road that you are on. If on a high-way, stay real far, this will allow you to hit the breaks in case something bad happens. You will learn more about this in your driving practice test Calgary.

  • Don’t Drive If Feeling Sick

The last thing that you want to do is drive when you are sick. This is not a good thing to do, ever. So make sure you are not on the road when you are sick. If you think you are not capable of driving, call emergency help or call someone you know.

driving practice test Calgary

3 Simple Things You Can Do To Prepare For Your Driving Test | Driving Test Tips

Driving tests are not hard, but the anxiety that it brings before you take that test makes everything really hard. You are shaky, sweaty, and you are afraid you might mess things up. We know that happens, it’s normal, and as the best driving school in Calgary, Canada, it is our duty to help you out in that.

Driving practice test Calgary understands that you need help for your driving test that is coming, and that’s why we are here to help you out.

This is why in this blog, A1 Driving will be listing down some things that you can do in order to prepare for your driving test.

Driving Practice Test Calgary

3 Simple Things You Can Do To Prepare For Your Driving Test

  1. Do Your Own Research

The first thing that you want to do in order to prepare for your driving practice test Calgary does your own research. This is a great thing to do if you are a bit scared of the actual practical test. Watch videos on YouTube on the things that you should always remember. Try to know the things you should do and you should not do during a driving test. Also search for ways on how you can keep yourself calm before, during, and after the test. These are such important things to know.

  • Ask Your Parents Or Friends

The second thing that you can do is ask your parents and friends that have taken the driving test before. Ask them questions that you have in your mind or the things that you want to get tipped on. This is a good thing to do, and the best thing about this tip that we just offered is that it is free and you do not have to pay anyone anything. They’ll just help you out because you are family or you are special for them.

  • Learn The Road Rules

The third thing that you want to do is make sure that you know the road rules before you hit the roads. This is an important thing to do because you want to nail your first driving test for your license. This will help you out a lot in the process, so make sure you know everything. From signs to how far you should stay from another vehicle, this is an important thing to do.

Driving Practice Test Calgary

Things You Can Do To Improve Safety While Driving | Driving Tips For Beginners

As a driver, you want to improve safety for yourself and for others as you are on the road. We know you get anxious sometimes when you are driving, but with proper training, guidance, and quick thinking, you can do everything in the right way.

Driving requires a lot of attention, not only that, you want to make sure that you are doing everything you can to prioritize safety.

This is why in this blog, we are going to help you out with that.

A1 Driving, the best driving practice test Calgary, Canada, will be listing down some things that you can do in order to improve the safety around you when you are driving.

4 Things You Can Do To Improve Safety While Driving

  1. Clean Your Side Mirrors

The first thing that you want to do is clean your side mirrors. This is an important thing to do because you want to make sure that you are seeing everything behind you or beside you when you are on the road, driving by yourself or with your family. Doing this will help you have an idea of what’s driving near you. Also, dippers at night can be seen reflecting on the side mirrors, this indicates that a person is in rush and you need to make way.

  • Don’t Drive When You’re Sleepy

The second thing that you want to do is do not drive when you are sleepy. This is an important thing to keep in mind because driving sleepy can cause accidents, which can be fatal. Driving while sleeping can affect your focus and the ability to drive in the safest way possible, instead, take a nap, wait, and drive when you are feeling better.

  • Service

From time to time, make sure your vehicle goes through services. This is an important thing to do and it will help you make sure your car will not break down in the middle of the road and its engine will be in the best shape. It will also help you make sure your brakes are fine and the other major components are in good condition.

  • Lights

The fourth thing is lights, you want to make sure that your lights are working before you go out for a drive. From the signal lights, brake lights, and headlights or fog lights, you want to make sure they are all working properly.

Insurance Reduction Course Calgary

4 Things You Need To Do in Order To Drive Safely During Canada’s Winter Season | How To Become A Better Driver

The winter season in Canada is one of the hardest to endure, considering that the temperatures are capable of hitting up to -50 degrees and even more or the snowfall can be really tough to deal with along with the snowstorms.

We know it sounds really hard, but as a good citizen and driver, you are obliged to keep yourself and the people around you safe.

This is why in this blog, A1 Driving, the best driving school, and insurance reduction course Calgary, Canada, will be listing down some things that you need to do so you and other people can drive safely during the winter season of Canada.

Insurance Reduction Course Calgary

4 Things You Need To Do In Order To Drive Safely During Canada’s Winter Season

  • Winter Tires

The first thing that you want to make sure of is that your vehicle or the one that you are about to use has winter tires. This is an important thing to do considering that roads are extremely slippery during the winter season, especially after snowfalls. In order to keep yourself and the people with you safe, you want to have this as the priority.

  • Do Not Drive If The Weather Is Bad

If the weather is really, really, really bad, you do not want to drive. The risk is not worth it, considering that you might harm yourself or anyone that is driving that time. Driving during bad weather is never ideal, may it be the wet season or the winter season, you, a good citizen of Canada, needs to prioritize the safety of other people too. Slippery roads and bad weather are 2 things that do not go well.

  • Keep It Slow

The third thing that you want to do is keep it slow. Keeping your vehicle in the right speed is a very important thing to do during the winter season, considering that the roads are pretty wet and they are slippery. Prevention is better than cure, and in this scenario, keeping your vehicle slow will help you a lot in avoiding any accidents.

  • Check The Weather

The fourth thing that you want to do is check out the weather. This is an important thing to do in such times. Checking the weather before doing anything in such seasons will help you a lot in keeping yourself and the people around you safe. If the weather is nice to travel, you can go, if it’s hard, wait till it gets better.

best driving school Calgary NE

5 Things You Can Do To Become A Better Driver | Safe Driving Tips

As a responsible citizen and a law-abiding person, it is our duty to make sure that every act we do helps the community and does not put any life in threat, especially when we are driving.

In Canada alone, there are around 160,000 vehicular accidents that happen on a yearly basis and out of those numbers, around 2,800 to 2,900 people pass away.

The numbers are really high, this is why as drivers, it is our responsibility to minimize the chances of being involved in vehicular accidents.

This is why in this blog, A1 Driving, the best driving school in Calgary, Canada, will be listing down some tips that you can keep in mind so you could become a better driver.

5 Things You Can Do To Become A Better Driver

best driving school Calgary NE
  1. Wear A Seatbelt

The first thing that you want to do is wear a seatbelt all the time when you are driving. This is one of the most important things that you need to do when you are driving. This tip is for your own safety, not anyone’s safety, but yours. When driving, make sure you, the person in the passenger seat, and the others are wearing a seatbelt.

  • Drive Slow

The second thing that you want to do is make sure you are driving slow. This is an important thing to do in such times because driving slow is one of the best things that you can do to protect your own family and the family of the ones that are driving around you. Try to stay within the speed limit.

  • Do Not Race

As a professional driver, you do not want to race on the streets. If you are really into that, you want to go to a professional track and do whatever you like there. Racing can cause accidents and other unfortunate incidents, that’s why they are banned on the streets and national highways.

  • Make Sure Breaks And Tires Are In Good Condition

The fourth thing that you want to do is make sure that the breaks and tires of your car are in amazing condition. This is an important thing to do because the breaks and your tires are the ones that would be keeping you safe in case of an emergency. Try making sure that you are keeping them in the best condition.

  • Know Your Surroundings

The fifth thing that we want to mention here is that you want to know your surroundings. This is an important thing to do in such times. If people are not responsible, you should be the one that should be responsible.

Best Driving School Calgary NE

4 Things You Can Do To Keep Yourself Safe While Driving During Winter Season | Driving Tips

If you live in Canada, you know it’s hard to keep up with the winter season, considering that you have to deal with all types of extremely cold temperatures along with all the slippery roads and problems they bring with them.

We know it is hard, but you have to get up and do your part so you could work or do whatever you have to do.

This is why in this blog, A1 Driving, the best driving school Calgary NE, Canada, will be listing down some things you can do in order to keep yourself along with your family and friends safe when you are driving or are planning to drive.

4 Things You Can Do To Keep Yourself Safe While Driving During Winter Season

  1. Avoid Driving During Storms Or After

The first thing that you want to do is make sure you are not driving during or after storms. These 2 are not good ideas and as an adult, you want to prioritize safety. If you’re late for work, tell them the truth and we are pretty sure they would understand. You want to keep in mind that driving on slippery roads means you are also risking your own life and the life of the ones that are travelling with your.

  • Put Them Winter Tires On

The second thing you want to do is put them winter tires on. Yes, if you own a car and if you want to use it during the winter season, you want to put them winter tires on. This is an important thing to do in such times and putting them on will help you a lot in making your travelling during winter season safer and much more efficient.

  • Seatbelt

Winter season or no matter which season you are in, you want to make sure you are wearing a seatbelt properly. This is an important thing to do if you are travelling because it offers an extra layer of protection to your car. In case something wrong happens, you can avoid extreme injuries, which could be life threatening at some times.

  • Stay Calm

The last thing you want to do is stay calm and do not rush when you are trying to reach to a place in your city or neighborhood during the winter season. Keep the speeds low and keep your focus strong on the road. These 2 things will help you out a lot in keeping yourself safe all the time during the winter season.

Note: You can avail your class 7 learner’s license Calgary from A1 Driving!