3 Things to Do Before Going on a Drive – Driver Safety Tips
Responsible drivers should make sure that they are doing all the important things that they have to before going on a drive, considering that a single mistake from their end can end up in a lot of bad things.
As a company that offers driving classes, we always highlight how important it is to do things right because you are putting your life and the life of other people on the line.
We know you’re usually in a hurry or whatever the reason could be, but that does not mean that you can do things wrong or you can put the lives of other people in jeopardy. As a driver, you need to look into safety all the time, and to help you in making that happen, we are going to list down some of the most basic things that you must do before going on a drive.

3 Things to Do Before Going On a Drive – Driver Safety Tips
- Check Your Headlights and Signal Lights
This will simply take you like 1 minute, so checking out will not waste a lot of your time.
The first thing that you want to do is make sure that your headlights and signal lights are properly working. I mean, if they don’t work or you are not using them, you’re going to end up paying a fine if a police officer catches you.
2. Check The Brake
This one is a must if you have never changed the brake of your car since buying it.
Remember, most of the cars allow the brake pads to be seen through the wheel. To know if they are still usable, check out the thickness. If it is thin, it is likely that they need to be changed. Not only that, but simply use your brakes to check if the reaction time is nice. If the brakes kick in right away, they are in decent condition, if it takes time for the car to stop, they need to be replaced.
3. Wear a Seatbelt
Before you drive, it’s important to wear a seatbelt, considering that it is an offense to not wear your seatbelt while driving.
Why is it important?
Your seatbelt helps you keep yourself safe in case you get in an accident or when you have to hit the brakes immediately.
Did advance road test Calgary miss out on anything in the list above? Let us know what we missed out by leaving out a comment in the comments section below!